SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group recognizes that maintaining a prominence in technology is the bedrock for creating value. This is particularly the case in the residential and social infrastructure creation as well as chemical solutions fields, 集团的技术平台在哪里提供了其竞争优势的潜在力量. 为了进一步推进这一突出的技术, the Group is committed to consistently strengthening its human resources and organizational structure in the research & 开发、制造和知识产权(IP)领域.

Research & Development

SEKISUI化学的研究方法 & Development

娱乐大发澳门赌博平台的长期愿景中Vision 2030,愿景陈述是“为地球而创新.“在住宅的四个领域中, 先进的生命线(社会基础设施), 创新移动性(电动/移动性), 生命科学(健康和医学), 以及下一代的前沿领域, we will continue to aim innovation with prominent core technology at its origin to generate new fields, 支持生命的基础, 并追求创造“安心为未来”."


Six essential technology groups related to the "Residential and 社会基础设施 Creation" and "Chemical Solutions" business fields as well as 26 more specific technological platforms (TPF) form the foundations of our value creation.
We are refining each of these technologies while combining multiple TPFs to create the prominent products and services described below in order to develop new markets and fields.

Research & Development System

SEKISUI CHEMICAL在Housing Company内部运营着四个主要的研发中心, 城市基础设施和环境产品公司, 高性能塑料公司, 以及十大赌博娱乐平台的公司总部. 此外,SEKISUI医疗有限公司., LTD.和其他主要关联公司拥有自己的研究设施和R&D divisions.
Directly linked to the enhancement of existing businesses and the pioneering of new frontiers, the R&D conducted at the divisional Companies focuses on product development and production engineering themes that will lead to profit in the near future. On the other hand, 作为一个独立的研究单位, the center within corporate headquarters is conducting research into themes that present extremely high technical hurdles to be addressed over the medium and long term, 这种大型主题将成为公司跨部门合作的纽带, 以及集团尚未挑战的新业务领域主题.


集团旨在通过内外技术的融合创造新的价值, 在十大赌博娱乐平台的商业战略中,以“融合”为关键词的机会和资源.
促进内外融合, thereby further promoting the creation of innovation that can contribute to social problem solving and growth the SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group.

  • 城镇及社区发展
  • 循环经济倡议
  • 城镇能源管理
  • Aircraft ,mobility
  • Thermoplastic CFRP
  • 细胞培养液
  • 户外用薄膜型太阳能电池
  • AI/IoT domain, etc.



本集团正致力推广R&D有助于创造新产品.At the same time, the Group is placing equal emphasis on strengthening its manufacturing capabilities in a bid to reinforce the competitive advantage of its existing products. In the "Drive2022中期管理计划, "realization of an on-site environment where the fusion of on-site ability and digital technology enables all workers to work vigorously to contribute with peace of mind" is listed as a policy related to manufacturing capabilities, 以零重大事故为目标,将生产效率提高一倍. 在本中期管理计划中, 十大赌博娱乐平台正在开展三项工作:内部控制, 生产技术, and ICT. For internal control, we are strengthening our ability to prevent quality tampering through digital conversion of the quality inspection process and also building and deploying a predictive risk management system. 生产技术方面, 十大赌博娱乐平台正在自动化流程, 使用数字技术进行形式化, 开展人员培训,推广现场信息通信技术和物联网. For ICT, we are promoting the development of a global standard model through the unification of data infrastructure and intra-factory data linkage infrastructure.



从十大赌博娱乐平台的R培养出来的知识产权&D activities is an important management resource that underpins SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group's growth and revenue and contributes to optimizing corporate value. 知识产权战略对于最大化集团的技术优势至关重要. 2005年3月制定的《十大赌博娱乐平台》, the Group clearly stated that the objectives of our intellectual property management are to contribute to our business growth and to increase our corporate value by encouraging the creation, protection, 知识产权的运用, which is to be achieved by respecting our own intellectual property and that of others and by clearly laying out our approach toward intellectual property management. This management mandate is further reinforced by our fundamental policy of ensuring business competitiveness by acquiring highly beneficial patents.



SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group endeavors to secure strategic intellectual property that supports its business activities, 以及维护和管理任何获得的知识产权.


We conduct periodic investigations to avoid infringing upon the 知识产权 rights of others, and take appropriate measures to avoid and prevent others from infringing upon the 知识产权 rights of SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group.

为了使每个单独的开发人员都能实现这些措施, 十大赌博娱乐平台为每个开发人员的水平准备了几个教育计划, 从基础知识的获取到策略的制定, 并在集团范围内开展知识产权教育活动.


除了支付金钱奖励员工的发明创造, the Invention Grand Prize has been established as one part of our efforts to ensure researchers and engineers receive the evaluations and recognition they deserve. The Invention Grand Prize pays out monetary incentives to inventors employed by the Company as compensation for those of their achievements that have made a particularly large contribution to profits. In fiscal 2019, 一项隔热夹层膜专利获得一级认证.



SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group places considerable emphasis on strategic intellectual property activities in order to maximize its technological prominence and contribute to business growth. 在许多活动中, 本集团在分析竞争环境的基础上确定经营策略. To this end, 该小组评估知识产权形势, 其中包括知识产权审查 , market and peer data. 集团亦从事知识产权组合管理.

Promotion System

SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has set up independent intellectual property divisions at its Corporate headquarters and at each divisional company. This takes into account the Group's divisional company structure and enables the Group to promptly engage in activities that are attuned to the business environment of each divisional company.

知识产权部门,业务部门,还有R&D divisions at each divisional company maintain constant cooperation and are engaging in activities that facilitate the building of an IP network almost to the complete exclusion of competitors putting in place a forum to deliberate on IP activities with management.

The 知识产权 Division at the Group's Corporate Headquarters is responsible for the planning and drafting of basic intellectual property strategies that are common to the entire Group, 商标的保护, 知识产权教育培训和知识产权管理. 考虑到公司的R&D创造新业务的使命, SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group draws on an analysis of the IP landscape at an early stage to engage in strategic intellectual property activities that allow it to overwhelmingly succeed while continuously dominating the market.


SEKISUI CHEMICAL's first patent application was for a "film-forming paste manufacturing method" (a strong film for dirigibles and balloons) in 1948, 建国后的一年, 哪一个在1950年注册成为十大赌博娱乐平台的第一个专利. 最初,专利的提交和管理等., 与技术部的其他职责一起执行, 但随着申请人数很快超过每年100人, 在技术部内设立了专利科. 1954年,他们来专门监督十大赌博娱乐平台的工业权利.
Currently, 在娱乐大发澳门赌博平台内, 知识产权部门是十大赌博娱乐平台的核心,无论是公司还是每家公司, and we are promoting a consistent intellectual property strategy from the roll out of basic policies company-wide to the acquisition, management, 专利权的使用. 知识产权和R&D departments within each company periodically hold "development intellectual property strategy conferences", 其中讨论了公司独特的知识产权战略, 方向确定了. At the same time, the corporate 知识产权 Department supports each company's involvement from the viewpoint of a company-wide business strategy called "intellectual property portfolio optimization". Further, 十大赌博娱乐平台还积极与专利局和律师事务所等外部专家建立联系, etc.,以适当促进知识产权的取得、管理及权利使用. In particular, as well as focusing on expanding business roll out globally and actively pursuing links with experts not only within Japan but also overseas, we are employing and training non-Japanese intellectual property personnel as staff to promote intellectual property activities locally.

Trademarks and Brands

娱乐大发澳门赌博平台在其悠久的历史中创造了SEKISUI品牌, 不仅在日本国内,还在海外拓展业务, 目标是成为一家全球企业.
十大赌博娱乐平台于2009年指定SEKISUI标志作为十大赌博娱乐平台集团的标志, 并在日本国内和海外统一推广. 在十大赌博娱乐平台经营的每个地区获得“SEKISUI”作为十大赌博娱乐平台商标的权利, 十大赌博娱乐平台也在开展活动,以保护和提高十大赌博娱乐平台的品牌价值.
In addition, a variety of other logo marks representing business and product lineups such as "SEKISUI HEIM" and "S-LECTM" and "ESLON®" are systematically used when rolling out businesses and launching products as a symbol of SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group's technology and performance, 让客户在选择集团产品时可以安心.
We will continue to protect and improve the value of the SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group's brand globally through branding strategies using the Group's logo.


We have established our Visual Expression Standards (Brand Book) in order to improve the value of the SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group's brand and ensure that our employees use the SEKISUI brand correctly. We focus on training our employees on the SEKISUI brand so that they understand the brand and observe the established rules.
十大赌博娱乐平台还加强了对侵犯商标权行为的监测和应对, 比如损害十大赌博娱乐平台品牌的假冒产品. 特别是,十大赌博娱乐平台将继续以亚洲为中心的积极应对。. 今后,十大赌博娱乐平台将继续坚决打击假冒伪劣产品.


Awarded Okochi Memorial Prize for Development of SPR Method (collaboration between in-house development and external knowledge and technology) (Japanese)

Having brought in many cutting-edge technologies in the past and refined them into distinctive SEKISUI CHEMICAL technologies, 十大赌博娱乐平台正在努力创造尖端技术,而不仅仅是通过内部开发, 同时也通过行业间的合作, government, and academia. For example, 管道修复SPR法, which was awarded the Okochi Memorial Prize for uniquely excellent research results in production engineering, 是十大赌博娱乐平台共同开发的吗, 一家日本污水处理服务公司, 和一家日本建筑公司. In recent years, we have been pushing forward with our business strategy and adding technological capabilities necessary for achieving our targets through global mergers and acquisitions, 以及与其他公司的联盟.


SEKISUI CHEMICAL Group has been promoting the creation of innovative environmental products using our high-performance film technologies developed over the years. 特别是,十大赌博娱乐平台的努力集中在能源材料和设备上. Since 2012, we have worked on innovative and challenging developments under the support of the Advanced Technology Research Project for the Application and Commercial Use of Lithium-Ion Batteries driven by Japan's New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).


为了使高粘度的均匀塑料易于嵌入碳纤维, we developed our own unique technology (fiber unraveling technology) to separate individual strands from bundled carbon fibers. In addition, 通过进一步发展十大赌博娱乐平台通过管道和薄膜培育的挤出成型技术, we developed a composite continuous extrusion molding technology for long carbon fibers and thermoplastics. 除了能够模具长和大尺寸,十大赌博娱乐平台也提高了生产率. Furthermore, it became possible to both increase strength and reduce weight at the same time through developing an atypical molding technology capable of continuously and simultaneously molding a special rib structure.

Use of CO2 在钢铁行业

十大赌博娱乐平台正在开发分离气体、收集和再利用一氧化碳的技术2 emitted when producing steel and have started international joint research and development with ArcelorMittal, S.A.世界领先的钢铁和矿业公司,在钢铁加工中使用的碳回收.